More Sites to Explore
We'd like to point you to more excellent websites that we're sure you'll find just as interesting as we do!
Get information about nearly everything in the voting system/election integrity world: descriptions about voting systems and where they’re used, national and worldwide up-to-the-minute news (we check it every day!), reasoned explanations about pros and cons of the important issues. The entire site is worth exploring.
The non-partisan Brennan Center for Justice has done incredible research and advocacy for all civil rights, and especially for voting issues. We urge you to take the time to read both “America’s Voting Machines At Risk” and “Securing Elections from Foreign Interference” (full report available in rightside panel) to appreciate the problems facing our election systems. Many excellent reports, blogs, and news coverage.
Pennsylvania-based election integrity group that’s been advocating for paper-based voting systems and other voter’s rights issues for PA citizens for many years. Gives good history and data about issue.
This is a PA-based group in Allegheny County, founded by Ron Bandes, a cyber-security expert who’s very knowledgeable and passionate about this issue. Be sure to watch his video “Securing Future Elections,” 2017 Presentation, at bottom link on lefthand side.
Excellent info from scientists and experts in the election integrity field. This link takes you to a concise accounting of what we’re facing now, but please explore the entire site by clicking on 3-bar icon at top right. The Advocacy link takes you to recent expert testimony before Congress about the danger to our elections.
Surprisingly interesting information--find out what states and their governments are doing in regard to their elections and voting systems.