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Now that Bucks County is preparing to conduct the 2020 elections on our new voter-hand-marked paper ballot system by Clear Ballot (yay!!!), our job is to help educate voters and pollworkers so we're all ready!
We have lots of information about the new voting system on our website that will prepare you for its launch:
Click here for the list of dates, places and times for VOTERS to go see and test our new systems in the upcoming weeks and months prior to the Primary Election on April 28. Don't pass up this great opportunity to get hands-on experience!
We also have a detailed description of what to expect when a voter gets to the precinct to use the new system on The Solution page. The benefits of a Clear Ballot system with links to their website are on the same page for anyone wanting to see pictures and videos.
We are happy to help if you have more questions you couldn't find the answers to on our website. Just email us (or we can arrange a phone call). If you'd still prefer to have someone come speak to your group, contact us and we'll work on making arrangements.
Also, please consider a donation to our group to help us defray costs.